Month: August 2023


It’s kind of a shame that social media wasn’t a thing when I was a teenager, because I’m pretty sure I don’t have anything to look back on that would tell me when I got my drivers license. There might be a reference to passing my test in an old journal, but that seems unlikely. …

And Then…

I took a nap on my lunch break today. I’m not sure it really solved anything, but It’s made getting through this afternoon less of a trial compared to yesterday. So far, my prediction the week would drag by has been entirely accurate. I am still hopeful by the time Friday rolls around I’ll somehow …

Misc. Monday

I knew there would come a point when even having suggested themes wouldn’t be enough of a boost to get me over, around, or through a bit of writers block. I’m going to engage in the exercise of writing and posting through it instead of succumbing to it today, but I’m pretty sure it will …

Lesson Time

The final week of Blaugust starts today, and the theme of this is week is meant to be Lessons Learned. Considering I only just learned about Blaugust, an event that’s been happening for 10 years or so, everything about this has been a bit of a learning experience for me. I’m finding out I still …

Happy Pride!

It’s the end of Blaugust 2023’s Motivation week, and it’s Saturday, which means I’ve got no structure for anything in a post today. It’s also Pride Weekend in Bemidji, so I’m a bit wrapped up in getting myself together to participate in our local festivities. Aptly, Cat Valente just shared a post on her Substack …

Music Monday: Motivation Edition

Music is my #1 motivator, in pretty much every scenario. Interminable distance that has to be traveled? Music. Most tedious task on the planet? Music. Endless list of chores to complete around the house? MUSIC. There are even some scenarios where I use music when I’m writing, although in those instances, it’s usually something very …

Music Monday: Blaugust Creator Week Edition

Somehow, in my ramblings about Youtube nonsense yesterday I forgot to mention the music-focused channels we watch, of which there are a few. Maybe my subconscious omitted them just so I’d have something to write about today since until I sat down and started putting my fingers to the keyboard nothing was coming to mind. …

Kochanski and Rudy

Our resident felines are not really friends with each other. We call them each others siblings, even though they’re not from the same litter, they’re entirely different ages, and look nothing alike. Keladry Princess Panda Kochanski (generally known as Kochanski, or more often Chanski) is an Oreo potato, who arrived as a birthday present to …