Category: 2023


It’s kind of a shame that social media wasn’t a thing when I was a teenager, because I’m pretty sure I don’t have anything to look back on that would tell me when I got my drivers license. There might be a reference to passing my test in an old journal, but that seems unlikely. …

And Then…

I took a nap on my lunch break today. I’m not sure it really solved anything, but It’s made getting through this afternoon less of a trial compared to yesterday. So far, my prediction the week would drag by has been entirely accurate. I am still hopeful by the time Friday rolls around I’ll somehow …

Misc. Monday

I knew there would come a point when even having suggested themes wouldn’t be enough of a boost to get me over, around, or through a bit of writers block. I’m going to engage in the exercise of writing and posting through it instead of succumbing to it today, but I’m pretty sure it will …

Lesson Time

The final week of Blaugust starts today, and the theme of this is week is meant to be Lessons Learned. Considering I only just learned about Blaugust, an event that’s been happening for 10 years or so, everything about this has been a bit of a learning experience for me. I’m finding out I still …

Happy Pride!

It’s the end of Blaugust 2023’s Motivation week, and it’s Saturday, which means I’ve got no structure for anything in a post today. It’s also Pride Weekend in Bemidji, so I’m a bit wrapped up in getting myself together to participate in our local festivities. Aptly, Cat Valente just shared a post on her Substack …